Saturday, April 2, 2011

Review: Daft Punk’s “Derezzed” Music Video (from TRON: Legacy)

Rating: 4.0 out of 5.

This video keeps very much in the same tune as the TRON: Legacy movie for which the song was made. It features a heavy use of 80s-esque computer graphics, possible paying a tribute to the original TRON movie that came out in 1982.

The film opens with the two members of Daft Punk walking into “Flynn’s Arcade” in full leather “Daft Punk” regalia. They proceed to the back where they begin to play a game featuring the title of their song, “Derezzed.” They are transported into the game where they eventually have to face off in a digital jousting competition. They lose, and at the end, Olivia Wilde, who stars in the movie, removes her helmet and reveals that she was the rider on the red mechanical horse.

All in all, this was a great music video and I feel it supports the movie very well. The digital feeling is there throughout and you do begin to feel that you too, are inside a video game. The shots were chosen very well and I believe that the intro scene is very essential to the whole video. As they enter the long-abandoned arcade, you know that something strange is about to happen. I would give this video a 4.0 out of 5.

Johnny G

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