Thursday, March 10, 2011

How It All Began...

My journey in film began almost three years ago when I received my first video camera as a gift during my senior year of high school. I didn’t know exactly what to expect, but I gave it my best shot and before long I was making short films daily.
I can’t explain the emotions I felt as I assembled my films and crafted them into the vision I had in my head. The screen became a tool through which I could showcase my ideas and project my thoughts.
Aside from the medium of film, I also had a deep interest in the study of music. I had learned to read music in elementary school and I have been creating and enjoying music ever since. So, naturally, I fell in love with music videos.
After reviewing some of my old films, I realized that I had, in fact, been creating music videos since the beginning. By placing music in the background and having very little, if any dialogue, I had unknowingly been creating mini music videos. 
I would listen to my favorite songs over and over again as different thoughts and images raced through my brain. So many ideas and so many emotions contained in a single song. Each one told a different story and I felt it was up to me to properly paint the picture that I envisioned. 
 Eventually I  became obsessed with the idea of what I could create if given enough time and the right equipment. It was then that I decided to take film more seriously and attend the Communication Arts program at the University of the Incarnate Word to study Video/Audio Production. I have been formally studying film for two years now and am constantly looking for opportunities to produce new videos and spread the joy of the music video wherever I go. 
Ever since I saw Michael Jackson's "Thriller" video, I realized how great a music video could be. Since then, I have seen hundreds of music videos from all different artists and genres and I have noted their attributes and their faults. I love creative and unique videos and cannot stand generic, run-of-the-mill productions. I know how a music video should look and I aim to produce the great quality videos I'm talking about. Music videos should make you feel the emotion of the song x10. If it doesn't do that, it is not doing its job properly.
This is my blog about how a music video should be, how it shouldn't, and how in the end, it doesn't really matter what I long as the viewer enjoys it and takes something meaningful from the video, it has served its purpose. I hope you enjoy my critiques and comments. Thanks for reading and there is much more to come!

Johnny G

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